
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Scrumptiously Sweet Salsa

It is no secret that I love chips and salsa...I cannot seem to get enough of this snack!  I wish I would keep in mind that it is meant to be a snack rather than the equivalent of 2 meals that I often eat, oops!  One of the most delicious things I have ever tried was a magnificent Watermelon Salsa that one of my LSU grad school buddies made for a football game on one occasion.  I have never forgotten how refreshing, spicy, sweet and absolutely divine this salsa was!  Unfortunately I never got the recipe from him, so I developed my own. Keep in mind that you can 'tweak' this recipe so that it suits your taste buds better, i.e. sweeter, less spicy, more melon, no mint etc.

Watermelon Salsa:

1 1/2 c. Honeydew Melon, minced
1 1/2 c. Cantaloupe, minced
1/2 c. minced Red Onion
1-2 Jalapenos finely chopped and seeded
1/2 c. Cilantro finely chopped
1/4 c. Mint finely chopped
1/2 c. Cucumber
2 c. Watermelon
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/4 tsp. Cayenne Pepper
2 tsp. Lime Juice
* Combine all ingredients and chill for 4 hours before serving.  This is best when chilled overnight, but sometimes it is so hard to wait to eat it!

I love to eat Baked Tostitos Tortilla chips with this.  These chips are gluten free and contain no trans fat.  You can also serve it with white fish like Mahi-Mahi.  This is a perfect healthy tail-gating treat for football games!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Good Way to Start Each Day

I began today without eating breakfast.  I was late for work, as usual, and did not get a chance for cereal.  When I finally got to work, I was sooo busy that I never ate what I had brought.  This was all a catastrophic course for a terrible day.  After a crazy day and an excruciatingly long meeting, where it had to be atleast 95 degrees in that little conference room, I was finally able to go home.  What greeted me after work?? An absolutely ridiculous parking ticket, where I was not in the wrong of course, and dodging disgusting alien cicada bugs every time I stepped outside.  These bugs are insane!  They are everywhere--chasing you into cars and landing on your back as you're innocently walking/running inside.  Needless to say, it was a rough day and I am beginning to think it was because I did not have time to indulge in my yummy cereal. Everyone always says breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I definitely agree! Anyway, I decided to start tomorrow off on a better foot so I ran to the store for some nutritious options.  I picked out my favorite hot cereal--Kashi GoLean Hearty Honey Cinnamon hot cereal.  This oatmeal-y concoction is divine!  It tastes so good and is all natural, has 8g of protein, 5g fiber (which keeps you full longer), and 7 whole grains!  I like to add a banana so I get a serving of fruit for breakfast also.  This hot cereal is especially good in the winter when it is freezing cold outside and you need a warm way to start your day....or when you need something to make you smile after a rough, bug-dodging escapade!  Good thing these ugly alien bugs only invade us every 13 years!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dark Chocolately Deliciousness

Nature Valley creates some of the most delicious snacks available and they're 100% NATURAL!  I have always loved the Oat's N' Honey and Peanut Butter granola bars, and they are a favorite among the athletes I work with.  The great thing about the Nature Valley company is their work in National Park Preservation, and contributions to the great outdoors.  As a company they emphasize eating healthy, wholesome foods and leading a healthy lifestyle.  Recently one of my students dropped a little nugget of goodness on my desk and I instantly fell in love-- Nature Valley Dark Chocolate Granola Thins! I have been drooling over these at the grocery store almost weekly, but for some reason I never bought them.  This was my chance to enjoy a sweet, natural treat at a very spontaneous time, and boy did I enjoy it!  I cannot emphasize enough how this lit up my tiny training room office and my life.  Instead of a cookie, reach for this!!
Now it's your turn to try perhaps the best 80 calories you'll ever put in your mouth!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Who knew Chocolate Milk was soooooo good for you???

Not only is it absolutely delicious, but chocolate milk has been studied and proven to be an amazing post-workout replenisher!  An Indiana University study concluded that chocolate milk helps endurance athletes recover lost electrolytes, carbohydrates, water, and protein while adding extra calcium.  Although this study is very exciting for most chocolate lovers, it can deter the diet plan of many recreational fitness nuts that are not expending a significant amount of calories and carbohydrates during their workout sesh. Bottom line, if you work yourself silly during a gym session, reward your taste buds and body with some nutritious delicious low-fat chocolaty goodness, but if you go for a gallant casual jaunt around the neighborhood, perhaps it is best to settle for some Gatorade Zero, water or the newly discovered..... MIO!
This liquid water enhancer actually tastes really good and is sugar, gluten and calorie free! It comes in amazing flavors like Berry Pomegranate, Fruit Punch, Mango Peach, Peach Tea, Sweet Tea and Strawberry Watermelon.  I like the Fruit Punch :)  This product is fairly cheap, $3.99, and a few drops go a long ways!  Luckily for many, the sweetener is Sucralose, which does not tend to have the same side affects (think killer migraine) as Aspartame.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Condiments....and the hidden calories they pack

Many times we try to make healthy choices when eating....grilled chicken, boca burgers, baked fish, steamed veggies....but then, to give them more flavor and make eating these healthy meals bearable, we soak them in condiments and dressings.  Everyone knows eating salad with grilled chicken is a very healthy choice-- add parmesan cheese and drench it in ceasar dressing and you have just created one of the most unhealthy meal chocies available.  Ceasar dressing is loaded with calories which voids the healthiness of your lunch time treat.  Here's a good tip, always get your dressing on the side and dip your fork in it before grabbing some lettuce....never dump the entire dressing on the salad, you do not need that much dressing.  Also, there are plenty of low-calorie, fat-free, low-sugar, low-sodium condiments and dressings available that will make your meals delish and keep the inches from your waist.  I have compiled a few to help you out:

*Wishbone Salad Sprtizers--so tasty and only 5 cals a spritz!!
*Low-Sugar Ketchup--same great taste, 30 less calories!!

*Olive Oil Mayo--for those of you who can't give up you mayo!!

*Calorie-Free, Sugar-Free, Gluten-Free, Fat-Free and Chocolate?? IS THIS FOR REAL?!?!
Walden Farms has tons of different dressings, syrups and spreads to tempt anyone and they have no detrimental effects---YAY!!! 

In order to meet your weight goals and keep excess calories from your body, always read labels and compare products.  Chances are, there is a better choice than the products you've been using for years.  It is very easy to be creatures of habit, but making some simple lifestyle changes will help you live longer and healthier lives, and ultimately make you feel better about yourselves.