
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Scrumptiously Sweet Salsa

It is no secret that I love chips and salsa...I cannot seem to get enough of this snack!  I wish I would keep in mind that it is meant to be a snack rather than the equivalent of 2 meals that I often eat, oops!  One of the most delicious things I have ever tried was a magnificent Watermelon Salsa that one of my LSU grad school buddies made for a football game on one occasion.  I have never forgotten how refreshing, spicy, sweet and absolutely divine this salsa was!  Unfortunately I never got the recipe from him, so I developed my own. Keep in mind that you can 'tweak' this recipe so that it suits your taste buds better, i.e. sweeter, less spicy, more melon, no mint etc.

Watermelon Salsa:

1 1/2 c. Honeydew Melon, minced
1 1/2 c. Cantaloupe, minced
1/2 c. minced Red Onion
1-2 Jalapenos finely chopped and seeded
1/2 c. Cilantro finely chopped
1/4 c. Mint finely chopped
1/2 c. Cucumber
2 c. Watermelon
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/4 tsp. Cayenne Pepper
2 tsp. Lime Juice
* Combine all ingredients and chill for 4 hours before serving.  This is best when chilled overnight, but sometimes it is so hard to wait to eat it!

I love to eat Baked Tostitos Tortilla chips with this.  These chips are gluten free and contain no trans fat.  You can also serve it with white fish like Mahi-Mahi.  This is a perfect healthy tail-gating treat for football games!!!

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