
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Good Way to Start Each Day

I began today without eating breakfast.  I was late for work, as usual, and did not get a chance for cereal.  When I finally got to work, I was sooo busy that I never ate what I had brought.  This was all a catastrophic course for a terrible day.  After a crazy day and an excruciatingly long meeting, where it had to be atleast 95 degrees in that little conference room, I was finally able to go home.  What greeted me after work?? An absolutely ridiculous parking ticket, where I was not in the wrong of course, and dodging disgusting alien cicada bugs every time I stepped outside.  These bugs are insane!  They are everywhere--chasing you into cars and landing on your back as you're innocently walking/running inside.  Needless to say, it was a rough day and I am beginning to think it was because I did not have time to indulge in my yummy cereal. Everyone always says breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I definitely agree! Anyway, I decided to start tomorrow off on a better foot so I ran to the store for some nutritious options.  I picked out my favorite hot cereal--Kashi GoLean Hearty Honey Cinnamon hot cereal.  This oatmeal-y concoction is divine!  It tastes so good and is all natural, has 8g of protein, 5g fiber (which keeps you full longer), and 7 whole grains!  I like to add a banana so I get a serving of fruit for breakfast also.  This hot cereal is especially good in the winter when it is freezing cold outside and you need a warm way to start your day....or when you need something to make you smile after a rough, bug-dodging escapade!  Good thing these ugly alien bugs only invade us every 13 years!!!


sdralphs said...

I cannot wait to be able to try all your yummy suggestions!!!! I love you!

Alicia Grover said...

Love you too girlie!! Cannot wait to see you in Tennessee!!!