
Monday, April 18, 2011

Hummus Time!

Hummus has to be one of my absolute favorite snacks!  It is made from chickpeas and can be mixed with basically everything from garlic, to red peppers, to spinach and artichoke.  The best hummus is fresh at mediterranean restaurants, but there are delicious store-bought brands as well.  I love dipping carrots, red or green peppers, and celery in it.  The only thing you have to keep in mind is portion control.  Hummus is so good that you often eat more than expected without realizing it.  My favorite store-bought flavors are supremely spicy and roasted pine nuts.  Hummus provides protein and fiber, but does have some fat so remember: portion control :)

1 comment:

sdralphs said...

Tried hummus for my first time a few months ago and loved it! You know me, finally trying good things at this stage of my life. I love edamame too!!! Such a yummy snack!!