
Monday, April 4, 2011


As much as I wish I loved staying hydrated and drinking water, it has almost been a weak spot in my overall nutrition. It is hard for me to drink plain water, unless there is some flavoring and bubbles! I am addicted to carbonation--which is not a good thing, however I came across a solution to this problem: Sparkling Water! Whenever someone asks me what sparkling water is, I simply explain that it is water that SPARKLES!!! The most flavorful and cost-effective sparkling water is definitely La Croix. It comes in Lime, Grapefruit, Cran-Raspberry, Lemon, Orange, and Berry, as well as pure sparkling water. It also comes in cans, rather than glass bottles which is not as fancy but you don't catch as much flack for drinking sparkling water out of a can as you do with the bottles. This refreshing beverage is tasty, provides perfect carbonation, and is still water--which means it is CALORIE AND SODIUM FREE!!!!!!! My favorite flavor is lime, but I'm dying to try the cran-raspberry.

1 comment:

AlisonJean said...

An interesting and informative site. I look forward to reading more of your information. I also wanted you to know that I think the title of your blog spot is VERY creative :)